Ljubljana, 22.7.2016
At DIC Legebitra we salute recent Constitutional Court’s decision confirming the decision of the General Assembly President dr. Brglez not to prescribe a period for collection of voters’ signatures for a call of referendum on six legal acts, one of which was Civil Partnership Act.
General Assembly passed the Civil Partnership Act on April 20th 2016, it entered into force on May 24th 2016 and shall apply as of the end of February 2017. Civil Partnership Act brings important legislative changes for same-sex couples. From February 2017 on people in same-sex partnerships shall enjoy equal rights and duties as married couples; the act introduces also protection for non-formalised same-sex partnerships that shall be treated equally as extramarital unions of opposite sex couples. Civil Partnership Act does however retain two restrictions: same-sex couples do not enjoy the right to child adoption by a couple neither do they have a right to assisted reproduction.
Although Civil Partnership Act does not bring absolute equality, its passing and enforcement do mean a step towards a greater equality for same-sex couples.
Time until Civil Partnership Act application:
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