Legebitra in Evropska mreža družin LGBTIQ+, NELFA, pozdravljata Poročilo Evropskega parlamenta o priznavanju starševstva, ki določa, da morajo biti starševske vezi, ki so vzpostavljene v eni izmed držav članic, priznane po vsej Evropski uniji, saj je le-to v najboljšem interesu otroka.
Evropski parlament je prejšnji teden podprl priznavanje starševstva po vsej Evropski uniji, ne glede na način otrokovega spočetja, rojstva ali vrsto njegove družine. Poslanci so s 366 glasovi za, 145 proti in 23 vzdržanimi, podprli osnutek omenjene zakonodaje. Cilj je zagotoviti, da otroci uživajo enake pravice po nacionalni zakonodaji na področjih izobraževanja, zdravstvenega varstva, skrbništva ali dedovanja.
Legebitra je zelo zadovoljna s podporo zakonodajnemu predlogu o čezmejnem priznavanju starševstva znotraj Evropske unije. Zavedamo se, da je treba zaščititi vsakega otroka, zlasti v čezmejnih situacijah, ne glede na to, kako je bil spočet – in ne glede na spol, spolno usmerjenost ali partnerski status njegovega (biološkega in nebiološkega) starša.
The Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations, NELFA, welcomes the European Parliament’s report on the recognition of parenthood, which stipulates that when a child’s parental ties are established in a Member State, they should be recognised across the EU, taking the best interest of the child as its core premise.
Last week European Parliament supported the recognition of parenthood across the European Union, irrespective of how a child was conceived, born or the type of family they have. With 366 votes against 145 and 23 abstentions, Members of the parliament backed draft legislation to ensure that, when parenthood is established by a European Union country, the rest of the member states will recognise it. The aim is to make sure that children enjoy the same rights under national law regarding education, healthcare, custody or succession.
NELFA is very pleased with the support for the legislative proposal on the cross-border recognition of parenthood within the European Union. We see the need to protect every child – especially in cross-border situations – regardless of the conditions on how it has been conceived, and regardless of the gender, sexual orientation, and partnership status of its (biological and non-biological) parent(s).